Income Security Law Reform2019-09-09T14:16:02-07:00

Income Security Law Reform

An income security regime that is inaccessible and insufficient to meet the needs of most people remains one of the most marginalizing forces for low and fixed income populations. Our income security law reform work strategically targets government systems and practices currently in place that negatively impact low and fixed income residents of British Columbia.

Our law reform work is done through consultations with advocates and advocacy organizations. We attend stakeholder meetings and participate in collaborative community projects that promote the health and well-being of British Columbians by addressing poverty and income insecurity.

Access to the Employment and Assistance Appeals Tribunal

The Employment and Assistance Appeals Tribunal (EAAT) forms the last level of appeal of decisions involving provincial income and disability assistance. We sit on a stakeholder committee, along with other advocacy organizations, to consult on recommendations for reform to EAAT.

As part of this committee, we advocate for law reform to make EAAT more accessible.

Poverty Reduction Coalition

CLAS participates on the Poverty Reduction Coalition, a large and diverse coalition that advocates for a accountable, bold and comprehensive poverty reduction plan from the government of British Columbia that would include legislated targets and timelines to significantly reduce poverty and homelessness.

Gillis v. Canada (Attorney General), 2009 FC 504
CLAS successfully represented this veteran in challenging the assessment of his pension by the Veterans Review and Appeals Board.

Harley v. Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal, 2006 BCSC 1420
CLAS successfully represented a woman who had been denied income assistance on the basis of inadequate reasons by the Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal.

Hudson v. British Columbia (Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal), 2009 BCSC 1461
CLAS successfully represented a woman who had been found ineligible for person with disability (PWD) benefits on the basis of inadequate reasons. This case clarifies the criteria to be applied to a determination of whether a person qualifies for PWD benefits.

Reports & Submissions

What would it take to make BC the most progressive province for people living with disabilities?

March 2014 – As a partner in the Disability Without Poverty Network, CLAS worked with disability advocates to provide detailed and comprehensive recommendations in response to the province’s call for submissions on its Disability White Paper.

Read the Submissions

Overdue: The case for increasing the PWD benefit in British Columbia

April 2011 – The Disability Without Poverty Network, of which CLAS is a partner, published a passionate report calling for urgent increases to the amount of income assistance provided to people living with disabilities.

Read the Report

Income Security News

16May, 2016

Family files human rights complaint challenging EI maternity and parental benefits clawback

May 16, 2016|Categories: News, Release|Tags: |

For Immediate Release

Vancouver, Coast Salish Territories

The Community […]

3Apr, 2013

Give children the money: Groups call for an end to 100% child support claw back from families on income assistance

April 3, 2013|Categories: News, Release|Tags: |

For Immediate Release

Vancouver, Coast Salish Territories

Three human rights advocacy organizations […]

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